No name in traditional archery inspires more admiration than Fred Bear. This massive 355 page book chronicles the history of Bear Archery traditional bows, from the first bow in 1949 to the latest innovations of 2015. more
We've gathered all of John Eberhart's Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails DVDs into one... read more
Barry Wensel takes you "Out and About" in this informative, entertaining, and... read more
Barry Wensel is well known in the traditional bowhunting community for his... read more
With the Stickbow Close series you always get the good, the bad,... read more
For years archery experts and enthusiasts have considered Byron Ferguson the modern... read more
I recently aquired 12 vintage Bear Archery recurve bows. Using the book I was able to identify the year each bow was built.
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