If you want maximum protection and a smooth release, this Cordovan leather face with suede leather back shooting tab is for you. Split finger design with rubber finger spacer to keep you from pinching the arrow. To have quality shooting, you need to start with a quality tab. E.W. Bateman Cordovan tab is the way to go! ...read more
A tab is more than just a piece of leather. It is... read more
For centuries Cordovan leather has been considered one of the most durable... read more
It's the quality you expect from Black Widow and the protection you... read more
If you're going to shoot like a pro, you have to think... read more
Switch Pak-Tab's™ layers to match your shooting conditions. Fits right and left... read more
My favorite tab
I use this tab for elk hunting and would never consider anything else. Shot with a glove for 10+ years and switched to a tab earlier this summer. I'll never go back. Accurate, quiet and fast. Excellent sensitive-yet-protective feel on the string of my 60# bow. Smooth release—split finger divider limits arrow pinch and ensures proper form and release. I order mine a size smaller… read more than normal to limit trimming and provide a snugger, close fit. Awesome tab!
The best finger tab made
This tab allows the smoothest release when shooting recurve and longbow. I have had these releases for over 20 years.
Functional release
I prefer this release to another release which has multiple layers. It is easy to use and releases well.
Best tab I have tried for forgiveness and follow through
I shoot this tab from practice to hunting and couldnt be more pleased with how it performs. I tried Fred Eichler's tab made by E.W bateman and it wasn't the tab for me picked this one up and it had everything I was looking for a tab and then some. It features a soft comfortable strap. Quality rubber for grip spacing your fingers, and lastly the tab actually made me more consistent… read more and less target panic. I know I can trust this tab. My only complaint is upon my release i notice my ringer finger takes the brunt of it. If i could change anything I would add more padding to that area but thats totally up to the operator, I wouldnt put it against this tab
had the same tab for three under shooting switched to split finger works just as good.
Great Tab, Good Value
Cordovan Leather wears like iron. This is wonder tab for the money. When I switched from RH to LH shooting, this was the first LH product I purchased. Some backing on the face when help with alignment from shot to shot, but would add to the cost so... Day in, Day out a solid performer.
My every day hunting,shooting tab.Tried most of them and this is my favorite.
Very good qualitty tab!
Very happy with this tab.
Nice Tab
This is a nice tab that gives a good release while providing protection on my 50lb recurve. I will be buying another as a backup.
Top Quality
Just the right thickness, and comes off the string very Qiuck and smooth,,, and very comfortable, and constructed well,, well worth the money
I would recommend in going with a Extra Large tab.
I would go with large, and then if needed you could trim to fit.
I would recommend in going with a Extra Large tab.
Small-2 3/4 by 2 inches. Medium-3 by 2 1/4 inches.
It is adjustable enough that you should not have any problems getting it to fit.
Yes, it is very flexible. I do wish, however, that it was a bit longer. If I want to wear a light cotton glove for colder weather shooting, there's hardly enough elastic material to get the opening large enough without pulling the end through the last slot. Overall it's good tab, though.
Yes, you can lengthen or shorten the elastic strap. Sent from my iPhone
Yes the elastic is very adjustable. It has plenty of extra length. Paul Sent from my iPhone
Yes, the Cordovan tab is made in the USA.
I would go with large, and then if needed you could trim to fit.
Yes it is removable
The tab should be laying against your ring finger when you shoot, so I do not see how it would be slapping it, as when you release the string it should stay against your fingers or at least close to them. If you could give our tech line a call at 866-587-9501 one of our techs may be able to help you out better. Otherwise if you can send some pictures to our [email protected] we may be able to see what is happening.
On the Cordovan tab the leather is to be separated between the two pieces of leather that are stitched together. They are only attached at the base of the tab, and not by the fingers.
My shooting tab leather was like that and it doesn't seem to affect anything
The edge opposite the finger band and separator is not stiched so the front and back pieces of leather can move with respect to each other when the tab is folded as you grab the string. After a few shots the front and back pieces will begin to take a 'set' and you won't see as much separation.
Yes, the Cordovan tab is a Bateman tab.
The best way I go for sizing a tab is when I have it in my hand is to curl my fingers as when I am shooting. I check to see how much "extra" the tab is going past my finger tips. You do not want a lot of extra tab hanging off, this can cause a sloppy release. The nice thing with tabs is you can trim them to fit perfect, in case of a little extra hanging off. If you can not get a tab in your hand (ordering online from us) then use our sizing chart we have linked to in the description and that will give you a good estimate of what size to start with.