Includes "Deerskins into Buckskins" book and DVD. All you need is the tools! Very thourough step-by-step instructions Includes "Deerskins into Buckskins" book and DVD Deerskins into Buckskins Book Matt Richards, has written the finest book that we've seen to date covering the tanning of deerskins. Everything you could want to know is in this book. What it is, how to do it and even what to do with it once you have it. Superbly written, illustrated and formatted. This is THE book to have if you want to turn your deerskins in buckskins. 160 pages and illustrated. Paperback. Deerskins into Buckskins DVD Deerskins into buckskins using brains, soap or eggs. Two full hours of brain tanning instruction by Matt Richards. Matt has taught thousands of people how to turn their deer, elk, moose or buffalo skins into the leather preferred by outdoors men and native peoples for a millennia. Matt Richards shows how to tan using brains, soap or eggs For deer, elk, moose or buffalo 120 min long more
We've gathered all of John Eberhart's Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails DVDs into one... read more
Barry Wensel takes you "Out and About" in this informative, entertaining, and... read more
Barry Wensel is well known in the traditional bowhunting community for his... read more
With the Stickbow Close series you always get the good, the bad,... read more
For years archery experts and enthusiasts have considered Byron Ferguson the modern... read more
Yes here is the link to the DVD