Del-Ma Penetrator 3-Blade Glue-On Broadheads Review

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Brand Del-Ma
Category 3-blade Broadheads

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Del-Ma Penetrator 3-Blade Glue-On Broadheads Reviews

Tough and solid

6 years ago

Used this head on a week long deer hunt. I shot my quiver empty into the ground each time I got out of the stand for practice. When I got back to camp I simple used a file to resharpen. I did this twice a day for a week with no damage to the heads. Ended up killing two small bucks. Good head.

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Time Tested - Time Proven

9 years ago

Purchased MA-3's from 3 Rivers years ago. Have lost some, but can't destroy them. Have taken large and small game with them for many years. No other broad head out performs an MA-3.

Old Reliable

12 years ago

I purchased my first supply of MA-3 broadheads from 3 Rivers in l988. I'm still using some of them. They are possibly the most rugged broadhead on the market. Smack a rock? File the tip back. re-sharpen and continue the hunt. I have killed numerous big game and 25 years of varmints with them. A sharp MA-3's will do anything any other broadhead will do and probably survive longer.

Half Century with MA-3'S

12 years ago

The Archers Bible (Kittridge Bow Hut) many years ago had an add that showed a bow hunter who killed a bison with an MA-3. That was 40 years ago. Still the best broad head on the market.

48 years of shooting these

12 years ago

This broadhead and the two blade were the ones I first started hunting with back in the late 50's and today they still prove to be one of the toughest and easy to care for broadhead on the market. From traditional bows and from compounds, I have used them over and over to kill all of the big and small game in Colorado. There are some tricks to keeping them sharp enough to shave read more with like using ceremic rods and a leather strop just as the old timers did with straight razors. A light oil or wax will keep them from rusting quickly. During hunting season my legs and arms go hairless by always testing them for sharpness. I have killed many elk with them and most of them died within a few seconds. My first elk was shot in the rear from a 52 pound Ben Pearson recurve and the home made wood arrow went clean through and came out it's chest and stuck in a dead tree. It never knew what hit him as it died less then 20 yards. A MA3 that has it's front end damaged can be sharpened to another point for using on small game and stump shooting. I have also welded nails to the blades for bird hunting which is another trick that works great. Try that with another broadhead! For my money, the MA3 is the best broadhead to use with wood arrows as I have made hundreds of arrows with MA3's for use from everything from fishing to flu flu's. With all of the many 'gadget' broadheads on the market today, I will wager that any animal shot will not know the difference between the good old MA3 broadheads or their expensive gadget broadhead.

Worth twice the money

13 years ago

I used these broadheads on a pig hunt. I was using a custom 56 pound longbow and very heavy hickory shafts. My first shot struck low and completely penetrated the left leg just below the body. I got my second shot as the pig turned away from me at 35 yards. That arrow hit just behind the last rib and penetrated to the feathers. The pig made it 8 yards before piling up. Both read more shots told me a lot about the broadhead. The first one completely penetrated solid bone and the broadhead looks brand new, even at the point. It did not bend over at the tip at all. The second arrow didn't hit bone but the three blades caused massive damage to both lungs resulting in a quick kill. I have found a new favorite broadhead.

Works for me

13 years ago

I received these as a gift. Found them easy to install, sharpen and durable.

Not a durable head

Bear Man
15 years ago

The first time i shot this head it blew through the target and hit a really rotten decaying log. It was not a heavy piece of wood. I carved it out of the stump with my knife and to my dismay, the head had cracked almost in two. I called Three Rivers and they said they would exchange it for me. I love Three Rivers but this was a faulty product

Its the best!

16 years ago

Best broadhead for the money. Have used this product for many years and it has never failed me. Very durable. Highly recommend this broadhead.

Sleeper Head of the 21st Centrury

16 years ago

The MA3 lines-up perfect on adapters, or 5 degree tapers. They are tough, have a hard finish, some say almost too hard that will require a little more effort to get sharp. It holds an edge like no other, I have shot through large wild boar, and the head was still razor sharp. The flight characteristics are fantastic. It is hard to believe that people pay more for heads that read more are not much better.

Del-Ma Penetrator 3-Blade Glue-On Broadheads Questions and Answers

Ask a Question

Asked by Leonard 9 years ago

What is the most effective(easy) way to sharpen these heads

for me its the 8'' broad head file, hit 2 blades at a time. 9 years ago

for me its the 8'' broad head file, hit 2 blades at a time.

Asked by Benjamin 10 years ago

How much does this head weigh?

130 grains 10 years ago

130 grains

Asked by gage 12 years ago

how many come with one order is it just one broadhead

Sold by the 6-pack. 12 years ago

Sold by the 6-pack.

Asked by Sharpshooter 13 years ago

Can this broadhead be screwed onto my legacy 2117 arrows?

This is a glue-on broadhead. You could get a broadhead adapter 13 years ago

This is a glue-on broadhead. You could get a broadhead adapter and mount it to your arrow that way.

Yes, but you will need to buy the glue on 'inserts' to use first 12 years ago

Yes, but you will need to buy the glue on 'inserts' to use first. Just hotglue a MA3 to one of these screw on inserts and you now have a broadhead to use on all arrows that require screw type broadheaads. I have made several dozen MA3 broadheads for the 2117 arrow and they all worked great.

Asked by Steven 4 years ago

When will they be in stock

The estimated delivery date for these broadheads is the middle o 4 years ago

The estimated delivery date for these broadheads is the middle of May.

Asked by Rockape 5 years ago

With sharpening the MA-3 can a rotary or belt sharpening system be used/ is there a specific way?

Yes, but these new MA-3's are junk. The steel is very poor quali 5 years ago

Yes, but these new MA-3's are junk. The steel is very poor quality. Go with Woodsman broadheads. They are GREAT and sharpen easily.

Hi, Hand sharpening on a flat surface is the easy and safest way 5 years ago

Hi, Hand sharpening on a flat surface is the easy and safest way. Use sharpening stones or sandpaper glued down to something smooth, like a glass pane. Take your time and go slowly. Keep the edges even. You'll be sharpening two opposing edges at a time. Try to keep them at the same angle and shape,you don't want to change the balance.Practice by going slow and check your work. Good Luck On 8/19/19, 3Rivers Archery

I sharpened the Del-ma glue on broadheads with a 1"×30" bench be 5 years ago

I sharpened the Del-ma glue on broadheads with a 1"×30" bench belt sander. I used a worn 120 grit belt. I had the broadhead glued on the shaft and ran it with the point down going with the belt rotation. You have to rock it from end to tip in order to hit the entire edge. I finished it with a G5 Outdoors Montec diamond stone. They came out quite sharp. I haven't tested this broadhead on big game yet. But hopefully will have a chance as Colorado archery elk hunting season in right around the corner.

I simply use a stone. I did not try a belt or rotary. 5 years ago

I simply use a stone. I did not try a belt or rotary.

Asked by Jake 7 years ago

I can't seem to get these sharp with a standard 8in file. Would the broadhead file sold here be better?

The broadhead files work really well. 7 years ago

The broadhead files work really well.

I use a smith tri-hone on them. Gets them shaving sharp in abou 7 years ago

I use a smith tri-hone on them. Gets them shaving sharp in about 5 minutes. You can pick a smith tri-hone up just about everywhere. I believe I got mine at Walmart for about $30. I struggled to get them sharp with the files and jewel sticks. Don't get me wrong they were sharp but not up to my standard until I put them on the tri-hone.