If you spend any time in the outdoors you need to know a thing or two about knots. This waterproof guide to Outdoor Knots shows you how to tie more than 50 commonly used knots, perfect for the hunter, fisherman, or general outdoorsman. ...read more
With detailed illustrations, descriptions, and classifications, this guide not only shows you how to tie knots, but suggests which knots are best for specific situations.
Waterproof brochure. Perfect for outdoor use. 11 pages of content with color illustrations and instructions for 55 unique and useful knots.
Outdoor Knots - Knots covered
Bowline Knot
Clove Hitch Knot
Rolling Hitch Knot
Taut-line Hitch Knot
Constrictor Knot
Slipped Constrictor Knot
Half Hitch Knot
Two Half Hitches Knot
Round Turn & Two Half-Hiches Knot
Quick-Release Hitch Knot
Trucker's Hitch Knot
Reef Knot/Square Knot
Figure 8 Loop Knot
Sheepshank Knot
Sliding Knot
Albright Special Knot
Surgeon's Knot
Carrick Bend Knot
Overhand Knot
Figure 8 Knot
Double Overhand Knot
Ashley's Stopper Knot
Slipped Overhand Knot
Transom Knot
Figure 8 Lashing Knot
Prusik Hitch Knot
Munter Hitch/Italian Hitch Knot
Alpine Butterfly
Slip Knot
Water Knot
Bowline-on-the-bight Knot
Blake's Hitch Knot
Klemheist Knot
Shorten a Rope Knot
Grapevine Knot/Double Fisherman's Knot
Suicide Knot
Eye Splice Knot
Heaving Line Knot
Monkey's Fist Knot
Anchor Bend Knot
Mooring Hitch Knot
Cleat Hitch Knot
Canoe Hitch Knot
Buntline Hitch Knot
Running Bowline Knot
Improved Clinch Knot
Palomar Knot
Non-Slip Loop Knot
Blood Knot
Nail Knot
Uni Knot
Arbor Knot
Perfection Loop Knot
Surgeon's Loop Knot
Dropper Loop Knot