Rattlestick: A Selfbow Tutorial DVD By Gary S. Davis Review

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Rattlestick: A Selfbow Tutorial DVD By Gary S. Davis Reviews

Interested in bow making? This is a must have!

Two hawks
8 years ago

I must having for the new bow maker in you!

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Rattlestick dvd

10 years ago

Great resource for the beginner Boyer

A Great Selfbow Tutorial DVD

Lil Dudey
11 years ago

The way Mr. Davis explains what he is teaching makes one feel like he is the same room with him.

Very good

11 years ago

I recommend watching the video over and over several times before starting to building your bow. There Is a lot of info on self bow makeing. It is a little confusing on the bending and steaming of the bow. Over all good video on self bow making.

Great DVD

11 years ago

This DVD was a great purchase. I know that I learned quite a bit from watching it. I even re-watched it a couple days later and learned even more. Funny side note, I found out after I watched this the first time that Gary Davis lives about 20 miles from me. So this DVD was helpful to me in knowing how someone from my neck of the woods operates.

A worthy investment

12 years ago

Very straight line tutorial -- you can take a bow from beginning to end.

The Selflapeidia!

12 years ago

Hi guys, stickslinger here I have been getting into selfbow and laminated wooden bow building and this is THE dvd! It covers every step in the process clearly and well and explains EVERYTHING from bow wood harvesting to reflexing the bow! One buddy commented his voice was perfect for the job! I know with practice MOST who watch this dvd can make a selfbow. I must warn however he read more does refence the Bowyers Bible Vol.#1 so I recomend getting that with this dvd. His process is clear and simple.He covers bow design and preformance in some ways. He shows how to snakeskin back bows. I definitely reccomend this dvd!(p.s) If you are looking at the laminated war bow dvd get this one in addition to or in stead of it as this one covers more and the other dvd and is for those with some foreknowledge. Shoot safe, have fun!- stickslinger

Pretty good video

12 years ago

This is an excellent bow making video!!! I just gave it four stars because I am a beginner and I am more into making primitive bows using primitive methods rather than machines. However, this video will definitely come in handy for me in the future and I did learn some new things.

Great video very detailed.

12 years ago

Gary Takes you through the entire process from selcting a tree to tillering the bow. While making a bow isn't simple he breaks it down into easy to digest steps and completes each step before moving on to the next. I talked to another shooter at the IBO championships in Clarksville Tennesee that Gary holds clinics on bow making and did one at the we shot at. If he does this again read more I am for sure going to attend. I read about Gary in Primitive Archery magazine they did a story on him holding a clinic in Ohio. It was very informative and the participants had a finished bow at the end of three days and were shooting them. I would recomend this to anyone interested in making a self bow.

Very Informative

12 years ago

Gentlemen: I am trying to make a self-bow from Osage and I am having a hard time with tillering,and this DVD has helped with what to look for and do doing the process. The video does a good job or showing how to lay out and use a bandsaw to reduce the stave quickly. It also was informative on how to heat treat a bow for straightening and reflexing. Over all the video was very informative read more and full of information from locating,choosing,splitting osage tree,what to look for when choosing growth rings. Could show in more detail the tillering process to help others beginners in this one of the most important part of bow building. Thank you,

Rattlestick: A Selfbow Tutorial DVD By Gary S. Davis Questions and Answers

Ask a Question

Asked by cougar 12 years ago

First time longbow building and i wanted to know if, this is the best dvd for building a longbow with an arrow shelf or rest, or do you recommend one of your other dvd on your site? thank you, David

This video will show you how to make a self bow. You would be ab 12 years ago

This video will show you how to make a self bow. You would be able to cut a shelf into the self bow.

Asked by Unknown 13 years ago

my husband LOVES this dvd. he was wanting to know if there was any way he could write a letter directly to gary davis?

If you send us an e-mail at [email protected] we may be ab 13 years ago

If you send us an e-mail at [email protected] we may be able to help.