DC Waldorf's fifth edition is filled with in-depth look at flintknapping tools and techniques as seen through the eyes of a master. A lifetime of flintknapping crammed into 80 pages filled with detailed sketches and step-by-step methods for producing beautiful knapped pieces. ...read more
We've gathered all of John Eberhart's Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails DVDs into one... read more
Barry Wensel takes you "Out and About" in this informative, entertaining, and... read more
Barry Wensel is well known in the traditional bowhunting community for his... read more
With the Stickbow Close series you always get the good, the bad,... read more
For years archery experts and enthusiasts have considered Byron Ferguson the modern... read more
Great book for for beginners .
Easy to read. Good to refer while working a on a piece.
Never thought learning could be this EZ
As soon I received this product I started reading and familiarizing myself with the methods taught in the book. I have yet to start flaking my own cores but have been practicing with the smaller pieces that were sent with the kit. I have successfully knapped out 3 small bird points in about two hours.
if your just starting out knapping get this book and the dvd companion you wont regreat it i knapped for a year and gave it up i just was not getting it a year later i still had some flint and my tools so i purchased this book and the dvd now im making some real nice points its worth the money if you really want to learn knapping
This is a great book to get you started flint napping. As for the tools not much is needed other than the Obsidian or Novaculite, pressure flaker, percussion flaker and leather pad. We sell a kit that will get you everything that you need. http://www.3riversarchery.com/Primitives+Flint+Knapping++Kit+And+Book+Combo_c13_s39_p0_i4303-2_product.html