TrueFlight Spiral Wrap Flu-Flu cut Feathers Review

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Brand TrueFlight Feathers
Category Arrow Building

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Popularity #6591
Review Rating 100%
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TrueFlight Spiral Wrap Flu-Flu cut Feathers Reviews

I'll probably buy more later (in pink)

8 years ago

product came quickly 3-4 days. is very consistently cut. wrapped really easily and looks great. Arrows fly straight and hit hard at 50ft.

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These are fun!

9 years ago

The Spiral Flu Flu is a fun easy project for a rookie. They turned out great, and are fun to shoot!

Love them

9 years ago

These work great. I use them with the fletch tape and just twirl them around the shaft and put a bead of glue on each end. One feather does the job for me. Very fun to shoot.

This product works well and is a great option

9 years ago

I used this product creates and flu flu arrows. The main thing I was looking for was to slow down the arrows and being able to achieve that consistently. The ability to wrap the arrows works well and gives you the ability to control speed

I will definitely buy these again!

10 years ago

I had never fletched an arrow before, but wanted to have some Flu Flu arrows for stump shooting and small game. Not only was making them fun, they are really tough and shoot great! Thanks 3rivers for the "how to video"

Multiple uses

10 years ago

I first used them as suggested for spiral fletching, they worked very well and shot excellent. I then tried them as traditional four fletch and six fletch fluflu fletching . They worked equally well. I was able to get two fletches from most feathers approx. 41/2 in. long. I like them and will continue to use them.


10 years ago

Feathers are awesome some are a bit on the smaller side and are not cut too great. But if u want a way to shoot aerial target this is the way to do it.

A Great Way To Limit Distance

If they fly they die!
11 years ago

I run a range and recently purchased a Laporte Archery Trap and was looking to limit the distance that my arrows were traveling. Used the installation guide and fletched about 50 arrows. Did a 50 person shoot, shot about 3000 times, needed to refletch only 1 arrow. Max distance with a 60lb draw, about 75 yards

1 to get wrapped up about

Swb archer
11 years ago

the installation of these feathers isn't without frustration, I prefer to tie mine on compared to gluing (which is of course easier)to get a much more appeasing finish for my own personal taste's. when gluing these feathers contact cement works best and is easiest by far, the feathers are about 90% consistent throughout the packet with just a few not being usable due to the quills read more being to thin in places.

A breeze

11 years ago

Easy to get on and a blast to shoot

TrueFlight Spiral Wrap Flu-Flu cut Feathers Questions and Answers

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Asked by Fish whisperer 11 years ago

Has anyone used these with cap wraps or arrow shaft wraps? Do you think I would still need to sand or skuff up the shaft surface with a brand new wrap. I would like to keep my arrows as bright as possible with a lot of contrast. PA has a lot of colors th

If you are using cap wraps then you will not need to sand or scu 11 years ago

If you are using cap wraps then you will not need to sand or scuff the shaft. Just make sure to clean the surface well before putting the cap wrap on.

I have not used with cap wraps but I wouldn't think sanding or s 11 years ago

I have not used with cap wraps but I wouldn't think sanding or scuffing would be something that would have to be done...

Asked by Tim 4 years ago

Can these be used for goose hunting!

Yes you can use any feather for goose hunting or any hunting yo 4 years ago

Yes you can use any feather for goose hunting or any hunting you like.

Asked by Jesse 9 years ago

Do any of the TrueFlight feathers come in fluorescent? I would prefer to do a fluorescent orange or pink as greens and yellows can be difficult to see among bright foliage.

Yes lime is florescent 9 years ago

Yes lime is florescent

Yes I believe so. There should be a color palette on the websit 9 years ago

Yes I believe so. There should be a color palette on the website. Thank you and be well, John J. Montefusco Jr. Sent from my iPad

I bought fluorescent orange, made a couple nice puffy flu-flus a 9 years ago

I bought fluorescent orange, made a couple nice puffy flu-flus and haven't lost one yet.

Asked by DS 10 years ago

Do these make any arrow fly correctly due to the large feathers? And Does the arrow have to be a certain length?

The object of these feathers is to slow the arrow down quickly. 10 years ago

The object of these feathers is to slow the arrow down quickly. The arrows do not have to be any certain length.

I think a better question would be “could you pattern the flight 10 years ago

I think a better question would be “could you pattern the flight of these arrows?” as the original question implies some of the more intricate work associate with fine tuning a dynamic spine on your arrows with your bow. With that said, I have been able to consistently pattern shots with a 500 spine Easton Axis arrow shot from a 40# recurve. My kids are also able to pattern with their Gold Tip arrows shot from a 20# recurve, which a shorter arrow, much shorter than mine at least. In any case you use this product in the most dynamic of all situations, a flying target at variable distances, for which they work wonderfully, to put heavy braking action on the flight of the arrows (about 70 yard recoveries from shooting at high angles).

The large size is to allow you to wrap it in a spiral around the 10 years ago

The large size is to allow you to wrap it in a spiral around the arrow. They fly true. They are meant to slow the arrow down rapidly in flight. No for the arrow having to be a certain length. I really liked these.

They flew great. It doesn't matter the length 10 years ago

They flew great. It doesn't matter the length

Asked by Triston 11 years ago

I shoot right helical and they only sell left would this. Be alright for me or will it screw me up??? Could I hot birds with these to or should I buy the flu flu 4in fletch I own an Arizona ez fletch if that'd be alright with that jig

Left helical would be fine. You should not notice any difference 11 years ago

Left helical would be fine. You should not notice any difference between right or left wing when shooting. Yes, you can use these for birds. To apply the feathers to the shaft, you do not use a fletching jig. Follow the link for installation instructions.

Left and right really don't matter with the spiral wrapped flu f 11 years ago

Left and right really don't matter with the spiral wrapped flu flu. FYI - I shorten the fletch to 3.5-4" and only use one feather. If I want contrasting colors, I shorten to 3". Long, thick spiral feathers give me too much drag! I think that a lot of folks are hung up on the R/L fletching vs. R/L handed shooting. I shoot left handed and have seen no difference between left and right helical fletching. Just don't mix left and right feathers on the same shaft. Derek Sent from my iPad

Asked by Youngtradshooter 11 years ago

Me and my friend were looking at these I was wondering if I could use them for hunting and areial targets amd what would be better carbon or alluminom?? Thanks

They should work fine for both. 11 years ago

They should work fine for both.

These would be suitable for aerial shooting, as they will keep t 11 years ago

These would be suitable for aerial shooting, as they will keep the arrow from traveling too far. As far as for hunting, for shots at short distances, such as for squirrels, they work well, again lessening the arrows travel in the event of a miss. After about 20 yards, it will slow down considerably. Arrow choice depends on preference; I only use carbon because of durability, but aluminum should work just fine. The low speed should somewhat save aluminum from bending from glancing hits on a target. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

They should work on either!!! 11 years ago

They should work on either!!!

Asked by JaKob95 11 years ago

How does the performance of these spiral wraps compare to the more conventional flu flu feathers? will the arrow be slower or faster?

I would say the spiral wraps slow the arrow down quicker when co 11 years ago

I would say the spiral wraps slow the arrow down quicker when compared to convential flu-flu feathers.

Seems to me they fly faster Sent from my iPad 11 years ago

Seems to me they fly faster Sent from my iPad

I think they fly a little faster. I get a couple extra yards kil 11 years ago

I think they fly a little faster. I get a couple extra yards killing range. You can trim them, a little at a time to get the range you need for the bow your using.      I've made a bunch for friends. Everybody likes them. They,re also quick to make. No jig.

JaKbob95, I believe the spiral wrap flu flu will slow the arrow 11 years ago

JaKbob95, I believe the spiral wrap flu flu will slow the arrow quicker than the traditional style flu flu. In the DVD onArial Archery <>, Derrick Oxnam shows the difference in a big open field. The spirals slowed down much faster and didn't go as far. I don't know which is "better." It depends on what you want out of your flu flu. If I were squirrel hunting in tight woods, I might prefer the spirals to slow the arrow faster so they don't overshoot as far. If I were after pheasants or more open-country rabbits, I may want traditional flu flu's to get a little more speed and distance. Derek

The spiral wrap flu flu feathers, at full length, slow the arrow 11 years ago

The spiral wrap flu flu feathers, at full length, slow the arrow down considerably faster than the conventional feathers, but the spiral wraps can be custom trimmed to make the arrow go faster and farther.

Asked by Fish whisperer 11 years ago

Has anyone used these with cap wraps or arrow shaft wraps? Do you think I would still need to sand or skuff up the shaft surface with a brand new wrap. I would like to keep my arrows as bright as possible with a lot of contrast. PA has a lot of colors th

If you are using cap wraps then you will not need to sand or scu 11 years ago

If you are using cap wraps then you will not need to sand or scuff the shaft. Just make sure to clean the surface well before putting the cap wrap on.

I have not used with cap wraps but I wouldn't think sanding or s 11 years ago

I have not used with cap wraps but I wouldn't think sanding or scuffing would be something that would have to be done...

Asked by Tolus 12 years ago

How many of these does it take to fletch an arrow? Standard flu-flu is 4 feathers per shaft so does it just take 1 or 2 of these then?

just one feather is needed to do one arrow. 12 years ago

just one feather is needed to do one arrow.

I have them and they are pretty easy to make work though it's a 12 years ago

I have them and they are pretty easy to make work though it's a bit of a process. Typically you'll use two per arrow. I'm not sure how a single would work but might be worth an experiment! Good luck and let me know what happens.

These are long... One feather wrapped as shown was enough for m 12 years ago

These are long... One feather wrapped as shown was enough for my son who shoots a 25lb recurve and 32lb long bow. Even then we'll probably trim the height a little because the arrows slow down very fast with just one. We wrapped some with two as described. Maybe it was due to the low draw weight, but we did not notice as much difference between the arrow wrapped with one and the arrows wrapped with

I've just used two of these and got excellent results. Great fo 12 years ago

I've just used two of these and got excellent results. Great for aerial targets but not so good for live game (like pheasants), as they slow quickly and travel no more than about 30/40 yards. Hope this helps.Later, Chris ~ Tacitus, 2nd Century AD

I used two of them. They do slow the arrows down quickly, and m 12 years ago

I used two of them. They do slow the arrows down quickly, and make a lot of noise. I think if I use them again, I will only use one. But they do look nice with two different colors on them.

1 works well. You will have to use a clamp and start at the nock 12 years ago

1 works well. You will have to use a clamp and start at the nock end wrap around and the clamp the bottom than glue after you have it in place let dry than take the clamps off. Look really nice if you use 2 in different color. Clay. Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

I use two 12 years ago

I use two

Yes, 1 or 2. Tricky to set up though. 12 years ago

Yes, 1 or 2. Tricky to set up though.

1 or 2 12 years ago

1 or 2

One worked for me. If you want to slow it quicker then 2... 12 years ago

One worked for me. If you want to slow it quicker then 2...

Asked by kinsel 12 years ago

can you shoot these and normal flu flus off your hand with no shelf or will it ruin them

You can shoot flu flu arrows off-the-knuckle, but it will wear t 12 years ago

You can shoot flu flu arrows off-the-knuckle, but it will wear them down faster than standard cut feathers as they are more bulky.

I don’t think so they seem very tuff,I do a lot of stump shootin 12 years ago

I don’t think so they seem very tuff,I do a lot of stump shooting and havent had one come off yet .Might be hard on your hand

Asked by Outdoorsman 12 years ago

Hey if I buy the flu flu arrow feathers would it be possible for you to mix All the colors and send them to me? I don't really want 100 of the same kind.

No they are pre bagged buy True Flight I cant break up the packs 12 years ago

No they are pre bagged buy True Flight I cant break up the packs