Deluxe Traditional Hunter Armguard Review

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Deluxe Traditional Hunter Armguard Reviews

Best guard I've had & super easily adjustable

6 years ago

I absolutely love this arm guard. I loves the looks & function. I own something like 6 arm guards, 4 leather ones, and this one is my go to for sure. It is the only guard I've used or seen that you can change the fit in seconds due to it's button fasteners. I adjusted the strings once when I got it. If I have a jacket on, I loop the strings on once. If I am bare armed, I loop the read more strings around the button twice. That easy. As some others mentioned, a couple spots where the strings are glued on the inside are a little bothersome when I got it. I just rubbed them a bit with sandpaper and it been totally comfortable ever since.

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Solid protection

10 years ago

I use this are guard for target and hunting.


Jim the Runner
10 years ago

I got mine off the back of the truck so value is excellent. Totally worth the price!

DeluxeTraditional Hunter Armguard

Ye olde archer
10 years ago

The two stitching knots are super glued, and are stiff, irritating the forearm, needed to cover with material so not exposed. Otherwise works great.

Deluxe Traditional Hunter Armguard Questions and Answers

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Asked by G 10 years ago

how does this armguard attach and would you recommend it for a twelve year old.

It has a stretch cord that loops over the buttons to hold in pla 10 years ago

It has a stretch cord that loops over the buttons to hold in place. It's hard to say if it would fit for a 12 year old. It may be a little large, but it can be adjusted.