Zwickey Delta 4-Blade Glue-On Broadheads 3-pack Review

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Brand Zwickey
Category 4-blade Broadheads

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Zwickey Delta 4-Blade Glue-On Broadheads 3-pack Reviews

Great broadhead for the price!

6 years ago

I have been using Zwickey Delta two blade broadheads for years, but never the four blade broadheads until this past year. I mounted these broadheads on a Surewood shafts spined for 50#-55#, five inch feathers at 28 7/8". I am the first to admit, that these broadheads do not come ready to hunt, they must be sharpened before hunting. I use a Rada wheelie sharpener with a small flat read more file to sharpen up the bleeder blades. The blood trails was excellent and easy to follow. For me, the sharpening of broadheads are part of hunting with traditional equipment. And sharpening can be challenging for me to say the least but manageable with a Rada wheelie sharpener and small flat file.

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Love those zwickeys

Deer killer
9 years ago

Great penetration killed lots of deer with recurve and zwickeys, long bow this year

Time tested

13 years ago

The TV hunting shows have done a disservice to bowhunting after deer after deer after deer that are not always perfectly hit are seemingly found within a hundred yards. This is simply trickery and all truly experienced bowhunters know it. I have used the Zwickey Eskimo broadheads on 35 elk,75+ deer, African game etc. and I couldn't agree more with the first post above. There is read more NO and I mean NO broadhead that is better. They are stronger than any I have ever tested. The real test is shoot a 3/4 plywood from 45-60 degrees and see which broadhead is toughest. It would be nice if Zwickey offered an insert broadhead. Also,they are not the easiest to sharpen. There are others that might be just as good but none are better than Zwickey. Expandables are a joke, shoot one into an elks spine and see what happens.

The most reliable, accurate&STRONG blade

14 years ago

I have been shooting and hunting with bare bows for over 60 years. Unfortunately, I did not 'discover' the Zwickey 4-blade Delta soon enough. Since I have always made my own arrows, first from footed Port Orford Cedar, later aluminium and carbon with weight forward added (necessary for the vital momentum for deep penetration; marketing BS to the contrary notwithstanding, as physical read more laws do not change according to mass propaganda lies), I tried everything to optimize my arrows. Being a physicist, engineer and inventor, I bought or obtained every different type of broadhead I could find. The gimmick blades are junk -- all of them. They break upon striking bone or anything hard and are unreliable. In good science, the optimal engineering factor is: KISS -- Keep It Simple, Stupid! Stay away from all gimmicky garbage. Two blade broadheads leave a lousy blood trail, if they leave any at all. Therefore only 3 or 4 blade broadheads are acceptable, with more cutting blades better -- to a point. Of these, the 4-blade has the optimal arterial cutting probability and can allow a wider broadhead, if but only if the speed and mass (also known as momentum-that physical principle that keeps things stable in movement through space) are sufficient to guarantee complete penetration every time, as no animal drops dead in his tracks even with a heart shot. They instantly run to heavy cover and all to often get lost without a good blood trail. The Zwickey 4-blade Delta, when modified by filing back the pointed tip to provide a guarantee of no bending of such tip, then sharpening the broadhead to a true razor sharpness. When so done, there is no other blade on the market that is as strong, effective, deeply penetrating and as certain to produce a good blood trail. I shot a quite large moose with the Zwickey Delta, severing a rib going in on a quartering away shot, with the arrow penetrating and breaking the off shoulder and exiting, burying itself deeply in a tree. The broadhead was still in excellent condition except for needing resharpening. The moose went nowhere, unable to move. Never before had the very experienced guide see such effective performance from any other broadhead. This has been my experience all over the world, consistently. Please, do not believe any marketing propaganda. Test by the most severe means, beyond the worst possible case scenario, for a reliability safety margin. Then and only then will any archer truly appreciate just how good this broadhead actually is. No hype, just performance, each time, every time, without any possibility of failure. Remember, it is only the arrow placement, the arrow mass, the broadhead and its extreme sharpness from the instant of contact through and out the animal that counts. Nothing else. The fanciest bow and other stuff are then out of the equation. After all these years of continual testing of everything, no other broadhead on the market has ever come even close to the Zwickey Black Diamond Delta broadhead.


15 years ago

I have used many many broadheads, this one stoped the cycle. Awsome blood trails, silent shots, perfect accuracy, extremely durable metal, keeps and edge, and its simple. I cannot say enough good about them. I tried these when I saw one stuck in the side of a rock at a tournament and have not bought any other traditional broadhead since...

Zwickey Delta 4-Blade Glue-On Broadheads 3-pack Questions and Answers

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Asked by Thunder 13 years ago

how do you sharpen these. i have tried files and certain "v" configuration sharpeners with limited success. The bleeder blades seem to get in the way of the file. I do have an arrow grabber. Do you know of any videos I can view. It tried youtube but

The easiest way to sharpen those blades is with a 2 blade CC sha 13 years ago

The easiest way to sharpen those blades is with a 2 blade CC sharpener. Just pull the blade through it till you can shave hair. The CC does a lot better job than most V style sharpeners

Asked by Jake 10 years ago

What adaptors would I need to have the 4 blade Delta's match up with Easton FMJ 340's

I would recommend these in 11/32 10 years ago

I would recommend these in 11/32

Asked by Angelo 11 years ago

What is the easiest way to sharpen the bleeder blades? Currently, I am using the AccuSharp CC sharpener and the Stubby fine diamond for the larger blades. Just wondering if there is a trick to sharpening the bleeders.

Not really any trick I am aware of. The CC Sharpener is probably 11 years ago

Not really any trick I am aware of. The CC Sharpener is probably the easiest way to do it or just use a flat file.

Asked by Thunder 13 years ago

how do you sharpen these. i have tried files and certain "v" configuration sharpeners with limited success. The bleeder blades seem to get in the way of the file. I do have an arrow grabber. Do you know of any videos I can view. It tried youtube but

The easiest way to sharpen those blades is with a 2 blade CC sha 13 years ago

The easiest way to sharpen those blades is with a 2 blade CC sharpener. Just pull the blade through it till you can shave hair. The CC does a lot better job than most V style sharpeners

Asked by Cj 6 years ago

Are these available in 165gr?

Unfortunately these are not available in that weight. 6 years ago

Unfortunately these are not available in that weight.

Hi CJ, The Zwickey Delta 4 blade glue-on's are 135 gr. The Screw 6 years ago

Hi CJ, The Zwickey Delta 4 blade glue-on's are 135 gr. The Screw-ins are 170 gr.