BCY Halo Serving Material Review

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BCY Halo Serving Material Reviews

Yes B C Y halo. Serving ,,, the best ... D

Dirty Dave
3 years ago

Been the most popular strings for a very long time and I think I'm going to get a lot of use out of them I can certainly make Fleming twist that's what I like ... Thanks ... David ...

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9 years ago

Super slick stuff. I recommend .19 diameter for d50 strings (Bear Grizzly 50#)

Excellent Serving Material

10 years ago

This serving material is amazing. I use .019 with my Flemish 15 strand bow string and it works perfectly with my Easton 1816 aluminum arrows on my 45# Bear Super Mag 48. The first string I ever served with this material has shot over 7000 arrows and is only slightly worn. Probably lasting 3 or 4 times longer than the original serving on the string.

Beautiful Serving

11 years ago

Great product! The braid is very fine and smooth, and I would recommend this serving cord to anyone.

Tough as nails!!!!

Big Z
12 years ago

I use and have used BCY HALO serving since it was introduced and has proved to be an outstanding performer. I make hand made bowstrings at trad. shoots in front of the customer. I would NOT EVER build a string in front of(or anytime)the user with inferior materials. Shooters and Hunters come to me for their "Tournament" and "Hunting" strings that they will rely on....especially read more on an expensive hunt of a lifetime. ALL my strings are built with BCY HALO end loop and center serving and are being used on 4 continents and both sides of the Equator in all kinds environments in pursuit of all kinds of game. The pictures I receive and testamonies are gratifing to say the least. NOT ONE ENDLOOP OR CENTER SERVING FAILURE!!!!! This product along with other BCY products are what I rely on to outfit shooters and hunters with strings they can rely on. How's this TEN YEARS of Indoors, Outdoors and Hunting on the same string. (Thanks Alex) In simple words: CLEAN...SMOOTH and TOUGH AS NAILS!! Thanks to ALL who trust my workmanship,strings and thanks to BCY for the Great products!!

A good serving material

12 years ago

I bought this .024 serving material to build up my ceter serving to fit my arrow nocks. I have used the .021 material on the 10 or so continuous loop bowstrings I have made so far. The .021 is excellent but a little loose for my nocks on my 10 strand strings. This material is very slick and allow a good arrow release. It is also very strong and does not unravel. It does not wear read more douwn as much as it seems to flatten after a couple hundred arrows or so. This is why I purchased the .024 serving so when it flattened out I would still have proper nock fit. All in all a very good serving material for fingers release once you learn to work with its characteristics.

Great Serving

12 years ago

Nice and slick. Served several new strings for myself and others. Getting started on replacing old serving on a few others.

Great serving material!

12 years ago

Best serving material I have ever used. Bullet proof and slick for easy release. Love it love love it!

Good serving material.

14 years ago

I'm a thumb draw user and I shoot my arrows off my thumb. I've used the .024 version as center serving on my Hun style asymmetrical bow. I've also use this as center serving on my Japanese bow (Higo Sozan yumi) instead of the traditional hemp as center serving in Japanese bows. The material is very durable and feels plastic like, however it does not feel slippery. Center-serving read more made using this material feels very firm & solid. Like this alot.

Slick & Strong!

14 years ago

As a target shooter, I use the BCY halo serving material for the 'center' serving on all of my Longbows, both hybrid and classic. It's both strong and slick, as well as being resistant to abrasion.

BCY Halo Serving Material Questions and Answers

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Asked by Jim 4 years ago

I'm using 14 strand D97 string , what size halo serving should I use with gold tip nocks?

I would go with a .024" diameter for that string. 4 years ago

I would go with a .024" diameter for that string.

Asked by Josh 4 years ago

What serving size do I need for an 18 strand fast flight to snuggly fit Easton Super Press-In Nocks?

I believe the .021-.024 would fit the best. 4 years ago

I believe the .021-.024 would fit the best.

Asked by Garren 4 years ago

Could you recommend serving diameter for 18-strand, fast flight, Flemish twist string?

.019-.021 should work well. 4 years ago

.019-.021 should work well.

.019 is what I would use.John  4 years ago

.019 is what I would use.John 

Asked by Hobnob 5 years ago

How do! I'm looking to start making my own nocks out of serving material. Is there a thickness you would recommend for this application?

You would want to use a thickness that is the same or larger tha 5 years ago

You would want to use a thickness that is the same or larger than the serving on the string. I typically use a size of .025 or larger for string nocks.

Asked by Louis 6 years ago

Which BCY Halo serving size are used on theses 12 and 16 strands BCY-X strands you are selling!?

.019 is what is used on the strings that we sell. 6 years ago

.019 is what is used on the strings that we sell.

Asked by Steve 7 years ago

I'm using 16 strand D97 string...what size serving material would you recommend ? I use Gold Tip nocks Thank You

It depends on your arrow nock size and how many strands your str 7 years ago

It depends on your arrow nock size and how many strands your string is made from. I personally prefer the .021"

Asked by leathernuts 10 years ago

What size serving should I use for a 16 strand d97?

.019 10 years ago


Asked by The Wayward Raven 12 years ago

I am planning on making a 12-strand flemish string using Brownell Astroflight material. How thick should the serving material be if I plan to use it with small or large groove G-nocks?

I like a solid fit for 3 under on my 12 strand Astro strings I u 12 years ago

I like a solid fit for 3 under on my 12 strand Astro strings I use Halo .21

I make 14 strand D97 flemish strings and use .024 Halo serving. 12 years ago

I make 14 strand D97 flemish strings and use .024 Halo serving. It makes for a nice fit with UNI and Super UNI nocks that come on Easton XX75 1916 and 2013 Camo Hunter arrows. For a 12 strand string I would think you will need at least .024 and probably larger for a one strand thick serving. Also - I have heard that folks using only 12 strands sometimes add extra strands at the ends to make thicker end loops to protect the string grooves when using low stretch materials. Hope that helps.

hello , with only a 12 strand fast flight string i recommend .30 12 years ago

hello , with only a 12 strand fast flight string i recommend .30  serving.. halo is a good choice. tim

I use .024 when making 12 strand strings 12 years ago

I use .024 when making 12 strand strings

I'm pretty sure .021 will give you the fit you need. I've used . 12 years ago

I'm pretty sure .021 will give you the fit you need. I've used .019, and it was a little loose, and .024 is a little tight. Rick

Asked by Unknown 13 years ago

Yes I would like to know if you may get the halo serving in .014 white? I would like buy two rows of it. All so 62XS center serving in colors I would like a couple of that if you have it?

As of right now we do not carry the Halo serving in .014 in whit 13 years ago

As of right now we do not carry the Halo serving in .014 in white, but like a lot of things we might pick it up at a latter date. Sorry.