Bear 64" Montana Longbow Review

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Brand Bear Archery
Category Bows

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Popularity #7467
Review Rating 100%
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Bear 64" Montana Longbow Reviews

Great Bow!

2 years ago

My 1st Bear and i have to tell its already my fav bow i got the 50# bow i and its a smooth draw accurate great bow no stacking and very light if you are on the fence dont be its a great smooth drawing bow

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Workhorse of a bow

Spaceman spiff
2 years ago

First off, I didnt buy this bow from 3R - I got it used from a private party. Mine is 50# but I probably pull a lil more at my draw of about 29.5". I own a samick discovery in 50# as well and while it is a fast shooter and accurate as hell, I still prefer my montana. Does it vibrate? Yes. Is is sort of a lobber? Yes. But it is a longbow with maple limbs. I have shot longbow most read more of my life so these things are nothing to me but they may be a disappointment to someone coming from another platform. EASY to dial in, i can achieve pretty much nail driving accuracy anywhere from 30-70yards with a 500spine or 400spine arrow. wood feels the best off the shelf with this bow but for durability and consistency sake i usually shoot carbons. I pack this bow with me for a week at a time when i pack up and head out to the job, and I am never sorry to have it with me. Shooting almost daily in high winds, heavy rain, and cold conditions here in PNW does not really phase it. I use paracord string silencers and a cat whisker below it and it is whisper quiet. surf wax on the string because i usually dont have beeswax lol and the string is fine. it is not the TRASH bear string however. the grip is trash, take it off. Now, when I say it is not really phased by foul weather, damp, and cold, i dont mean it is impervious. I will say that if I am just getting dumped on for an extended period of time and cant find cover, i do notice a slower shot. But that is my fault not the bow's... probably my string being wet, and the feathers being soaked doesnt help anything, but when the weather is dry, it will shoot like normal again. I have not experienced any of the quality issues I have read about in finish and such, fingers crossed. But those will be my fault not the bow's at this point. Bottom line, if you want a fast shooting "longbow" dont get this bow. It is plenty powerful, but there are others out there that will send em down range much quicker if thats what you want. otherwise, get it

Good American made bow for the price.

Ky bow hunter
3 years ago

This was my second bear Montana I also bought a 40# Montana for my wife. I personally shoot a 45# and a 55# I have shot compound pretty much as long as I could walk. Played with a recurve some years ago and enjoyed it. I basically have gotten disgusted with the compound industry. I have spent I don't know how many thousands of dollars on compound bows and all the bells and whistles. read more I wanted to get into trad to simplify my bow hunting. From the first day out with the Montana I found the fun I had lost in my shooting. I wanted an affordable yet capable bow and went with the bear due to it being made in the USA. I am very pleased with the bow it does everything I need it to do. It is a little on the slow side but fine for the Kentucky whitetails I chase. I harvested my first trad deer this year with the Montana. A year and a half old 6 point. It is now the pride of my trophy room even though it is the smallest buck. I would definitely recommend the bear Montana for the price it is a good longbow.


3 years ago

This bow is my first longbow and I was so surprised at how quiet it is!! It's a little slower than my recurve but that's okay. It's a great hunting bow and I plan using it for all my hunts


3 years ago

This bow is a pleasure to shoot. Love the shape of the grip, fits right into my hand for an easy cradle. Draws and shoots very smooth and buries arrows deep into my target. Can't wait to hunt with it.

Nice longbow.

3 years ago

This is my third longbow after recently getting back into instinctive shooting. It is now my favorite. I went with a 40# so I could shoot for an extended period of time without getting fatigued. It has plenty of punch at 30 yards without any issues. I would definitely recommend this bow.

Nice hunting Bow

Mike Breazeale
3 years ago

Based on #45 - 400gr arrow/tip total -- the montana is quite - smooth - fast up to 22 yards -- very good hunting bow -

Great bow

3 years ago

Hello I've been shooting traditional for about two years. After reading several reviews and watching the YouTube reviews decided to purchase a Montana in 45#. I've got to say It's a good bow for target shooting. Very accurate smooth draw and quite. I've got to say that there is some hand shock but it's not bad at all. My only complaint is that the string it came with was absolute read more junk. If purchasing this bow I would suggest ordering a string with it. I ordered my replacement d97 from 3rivers and man what a difference it made. Hope this helps someone and good day to you all.

Great Longbow

3 years ago

Got this bow a number of years ago - it is a great shooting bow - very easy to shoot - can't say enough good things about this bow - shoots as sweet as my custom bows.

Well Made BOW

4 years ago

Great bow at a great price. I bought the right hand version at 60lb draw weight. Very impressed with the surface finish at first. Very well made. Waxed the limbs first before i strung it. First shot landed on bullseye. Sign of good times i will be having with this incredible bow.

Bear 64" Montana Longbow Questions and Answers

Ask a Question

Asked by Steve 3 years ago

My name is Steve McIntyre and I was a close friend of Jon Klassi he and I worked together for close to 20 years in St Louis, Mo. I am going to be in the Hamilton area in early June for a rafting trip in the Bitterroots.. I met his wife shortly before

I apologize but I am now familiar with the people you are referr 3 years ago

I apologize but I am now familiar with the people you are referring to or who you are trying to contact . This is 3 Rivers Archery in Ashley In.

Asked by Heartlander 4 years ago

I've read the 64" Bear Montana Longbow is made of "future wood". My research indicates that this is for construction/building materials. Can you please explain to me what future wood is and it's advantages/disadvantages. I'd like to purchase the bow but

Here is the description from Bear Archery: Futurewood™: A pressu 4 years ago

Here is the description from Bear Archery: Futurewood™: A pressurized vacuum fills all the natural pores in the wood, increasing its weight and greatly strengthening it. After baking, the handle is no longer natural wood, but FutureWood: It is virtually impossible to warp, check, or crack. Yet, all the grain and original beauty of the natural wood are intact.

Asked by Wind59 5 years ago

Not sure what lbs I would want if I ordered a Montana Longbow 60 or 55 lbs if I got the 60lb and wanted the 55 could I return it

If you receive a weight that is too heavy or light for you a ret 5 years ago

If you receive a weight that is too heavy or light for you a return is possible as long as the bow comes back in new condition within 30 days. You will also be responsible for shipping a product back to us for an exchange.

Asked by Josh 3 years ago

How long is the backorder wait for the 60# option?

Afraid we cannot say. We have plenty on order, but up to Bear on 3 years ago

Afraid we cannot say. We have plenty on order, but up to Bear on when they will ship. We do not have any dependable dates we can share on when that will be.

Asked by Steve 3 years ago

My name is Steve McIntyre and I was a close friend of Jon Klassi he and I worked together for close to 20 years in St Louis, Mo. I am going to be in the Hamilton area in early June for a rafting trip in the Bitterroots.. I met his wife shortly before

I apologize but I am now familiar with the people you are referr 3 years ago

I apologize but I am now familiar with the people you are referring to or who you are trying to contact . This is 3 Rivers Archery in Ashley In.

Asked by Earth man 4 years ago

Can I order it in brown?

unfortunately Bear discontinued the brown Montana bows . 4 years ago

unfortunately Bear discontinued the brown Montana bows .

Asked by Tony 4 years ago

Hi there! I really like what I know of your bow, but like to practice drawing from both sides. Do you have an ambidextrous option, perhaps one without an arrow rest even?

We do not offer an ambidextrous option in the Montana Longbow bu 4 years ago

We do not offer an ambidextrous option in the Montana Longbow but we do have a couple of bows that can be shot from both sides , or , , ether one of these would work .

Asked by mark 4 years ago

Hi, Three Rivers. I'd like to purchase this bow, and I'm curious about draw weight. I shoot right-handed, and I have a relatively short draw: 27 inches. Given proper shooting form, if I buy the 55-lb bow, would my draw weight be about 50? 52?

If your draw length is 27 you would be pulling the 55# bow at ar 4 years ago

If your draw length is 27 you would be pulling the 55# bow at around 53#. Generally its approximately +/- 2 lbs per inch of draw above or below 28"

You will lose 2-3# due to your draw length. 4 years ago

You will lose 2-3# due to your draw length.

Asked by Sam 4 years ago

Is this bow fast flight string compatible?

Yes it is compatible with high performance materials. 4 years ago

Yes it is compatible with high performance materials.

Asked by George 4 years ago

What is the estimated weight of a #50 bow at 28.5 inch draw? I'm trying to decide on the #50 or #55 for hunting?

You might add a pound to the weight with your draw. 4 years ago

You might add a pound to the weight with your draw.

Asked by Heartlander 4 years ago

I've read the 64" Bear Montana Longbow is made of "future wood". My research indicates that this is for construction/building materials. Can you please explain to me what future wood is and it's advantages/disadvantages. I'd like to purchase the bow but

Here is the description from Bear Archery: Futurewood™: A pressu 4 years ago

Here is the description from Bear Archery: Futurewood™: A pressurized vacuum fills all the natural pores in the wood, increasing its weight and greatly strengthening it. After baking, the handle is no longer natural wood, but FutureWood: It is virtually impossible to warp, check, or crack. Yet, all the grain and original beauty of the natural wood are intact.

Asked by Chris 5 years ago

Hi, would you please let me know if you will get in stock bear montana #40 in brown maple color? Thank you,

The Brown option is not being made any longer. 5 years ago

The Brown option is not being made any longer.