Navajo Wool Bow String Silencers Review

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Navajo Wool Bow String Silencers Reviews

Won't stay in the strings

Dj archer
3 years ago

The balls have to be adjusted contantly adjusted after each stringing

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I would buy

3 years ago

Easy for beginner to place in string

Navajo Wool Silent Killer

4 years ago

These silencers are great, I own a old bear grizzly with wooly whispers and also own a new super grizzly that I just installed these Navajo silencers on. The difference is night and day, the Navajo silencers are much quieter, smaller and look great. Wooly whispers do work good for silencing but the Navajo have the edge. Would buy again and recommend.

Yes i would by this product again

5 years ago

this is one of the three silencers I use on my string when I hunt bambi

One of the best.

6 years ago

Great quality but kinda pricey. I would DIY one next time.

Heavy Duty, worth the price

6 years ago

String silencers are one of those things that most if not all have some opinion about. The Navajo wool is very thick with an unbelievable amount of lanolin in it. It actually has a very greasy feel, as a result it repels water very well. I have used these as a whole puff or divided them in half, placing a puff at the 1/3rd and 1/4er points on the string with very good results.

For silent launch

7 years ago

Turned my #45 Bear Kodiak hunter into silent death.

Thumbs down!

7 years ago

Most expensive, not the quietest. Had them put in on my new recurve. Within a week it disappeared. Went flying somewhere. Poor product! Go with beaver balls!

Nice string silencer

Bill D
8 years ago

Big improvement in my bow after putting this string silencer on. You cant go wrong with this.

Would buy product again

9 years ago


Navajo Wool Bow String Silencers Questions and Answers

Ask a Question

Asked by TLY 11 years ago

I'm looking mainly for something that will reduce the vibration/hand shock on my Bear Montana Longbow. Is this your best product for reducing hand shock? If not, could you guys please direct me to your best product? (or even a combination of 2 or more of

I feel the Navajo Wool Silencers does a great job reducing strin 11 years ago

I feel the Navajo Wool Silencers does a great job reducing string vibration. However, our best product would probably be the Musk Ox Silencers.

Asked by Paul 7 years ago

Im shooting a stryker classic longbow with there factory string. Do i need to serve the Navajo silencers into there string?

No you do not have to. 7 years ago

No you do not have to.

Asked by Jack 10 years ago

What exact distance from the tips do you recommend attaching the silencers to the string? Thanks.

There is really no set distance and sometimes it helps to try an 10 years ago

There is really no set distance and sometimes it helps to try and adjust them as you shoot the bow. Personally, I divide the string into quarters. I place one silencer a quarter of the way down the string on each end. Then I adjust from there if needed to find the best (quietest) spot.

Measure string that doesn't touch the bow divide by .183 measure 4 years ago

Measure string that doesn't touch the bow divide by .183 measure in that distance from both ends...that will put you in between the 5th and 6th string nodes.the string has nodes just like the 2 nodes on your arrow just more of them

Asked by Anonymous 10 years ago

What size are these?

They end up approximately 1 1/2" diameter. These work great! 10 years ago

They end up approximately 1 1/2" diameter. These work great!

Measured top to bottom (along the string) after installation and 10 years ago

Measured top to bottom (along the string) after installation and a fair amount of shooting, mine are approx. 1 7/8". Don't look like a lot, but do a pretty darn good job for me. That being said, there are definitely cheaper options that are about as good, just not as weather resistant.  Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Asked by TLY 11 years ago

I'm looking mainly for something that will reduce the vibration/hand shock on my Bear Montana Longbow. Is this your best product for reducing hand shock? If not, could you guys please direct me to your best product? (or even a combination of 2 or more of

I feel the Navajo Wool Silencers does a great job reducing strin 11 years ago

I feel the Navajo Wool Silencers does a great job reducing string vibration. However, our best product would probably be the Musk Ox Silencers.

Asked by NorthStar 12 years ago

Can Navajo String Silencers be ordered by color? Like "black main color with some brown mixed in".

No, the color of the silencers is limited to what we have on the 12 years ago

No, the color of the silencers is limited to what we have on the shelf.

Asked by Michael 12 years ago

What does it mean to serve a silencer onto a string?

It means using the same style knot and binding that you would us 12 years ago

It means using the same style knot and binding that you would use for the center or loop serving on a string.

Asked by Unknown 13 years ago

Do you have to serve these on your string?

Usually when installing them in a Flemish string you do not have 13 years ago

Usually when installing them in a Flemish string you do not have to serve them in, unless there is not enough twist in the string to keep them in. Now on an Endless Loop String you will need to serve them to keep them in place..

I didn't serve them. I just separated the string like the instru 12 years ago

I didn't serve them. I just separated the string like the instructions said. They are holding fine right where I put them. So far. I have shot a couple hundred times with them so far. Haven't moved yet.

Asked by Unknown 13 years ago

Are these sold in pairs?

Yes. 13 years ago


Asked by Tuxdad 13 years ago

How easy are they to put on after being used on another bowstring ?? Say if your bowstring breaks ...

They will not be as easy to put back in like they were new, but 13 years ago

They will not be as easy to put back in like they were new, but with a little bit of time I have put them back in.

Asked by Tk1994 13 years ago

Does this work on the B-50 Dacron endless bowstring

Yes, they will work on the endless loop strings. It is a good i 13 years ago

Yes, they will work on the endless loop strings. It is a good idea to serve them in to place like any other silencer on an endless loop string.