Shot Trainer Review

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Brand Astra Archery
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Shot Trainer Reviews

Shot Trainer

6 years ago

The single best training aid I have ever used. Once set up correctly, it lets your back muscles know what they are supposed to be doing!

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Expensive but probably worth it

7 years ago

I've had this for a year or so and I've found it useful in a number of different ways. You can literally put this thing on, take one shot, have your shoulder yanked forward, and go "oooh okay so that's what NOT to do". It lets you know right away whether you're maintaining back tension. It's useful for practicing with the bow indoors or in your backyard if you can't get to the range. read more And for me personally, I've had problems with various forms of target panic (granted most of it's just been from being over-bowed rather than true target panic, and you can fix that with some strength training with resistance bands or something rather than this thing). But as regards true target panic, what it did help me with was getting an idea of what it's like to NOT have that problem. I put this thing on and I can hold the arrow on target forever and follow with a perfect release. I take it off and I can't even get to full draw, much less hit the broad side of a barn. I think that just knowing the arrow isn't going anywhere stops that subconscious anxiety that causes you to screw the shot up. I don't think it will fix it, but it might give you a break from it while you work on the problem; practicing roving over the target, holding on target without releasing, all that stuff.

Very Versatile

8 years ago

This training device will teach you how to loose an arrow correctly. When you do it wrong, you know immediately. Just follow the well written directions. I also use this in the morning before leaving the house when hunting. You can warm up and practice a "shot" inside before going out. You can even use this in a tree stand for a mid day break to keep from getting too stiff.

Shot Trainer Questions and Answers

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Asked by Jolynn 3 years ago

Will this fit a 15 1/2 " bicep? Thank you in advance

You would need the size #2 Shot Trainer. It has enough stretch i 3 years ago

You would need the size #2 Shot Trainer. It has enough stretch in it I believe it would fit your size bicep.

Asked by jen 4 years ago

would this be beneficial for barebow shooters ? or just Olympic recurve?

It is a training aid for becoming a better archer, so it would b 4 years ago

It is a training aid for becoming a better archer, so it would be beneficial to all aspects of archery shooting.

Asked by Nolan San 7 years ago

I see that 2 sizes are presented as choices. How do I go about choosing the correct size? Thank you.

Measure the circumference of your drawing arm at its widest poin 7 years ago

Measure the circumference of your drawing arm at its widest point. Some people have bigger forearms than biceps - measure the widest point. Size 1 (less than 12") or Size 2 (greater than 12")